Free comic day! A photo blog

For the first time I managed to make it into the city for the free comic day activities. I did have fun, though to be honest the first place I went to smelt terrible, and there were too many young people making loud noises and too many neckbeards telling everyone what they should think about comics for me to really find it enjoyable.  This is probably mostly to do with Wolverina becoming a grumpy old lady about 40 years too early however, rather than the places actually having a  bad atmosphere. I mean. Those young whippersnappers having fun! And those rude young men! On my lawn! *gets out a shotgun and sits back in her rocking chair* HOW DARE THEY.

Still, really it was nice catching up with some people I haven’t seen in awhile, and getting the chance to go through a real live store for a change.  Also I got good loot!

seven free comics I got

The free comics my partner and I got.

I have to admit I’m only really excited about flicking through the Young Justice and Batman: The Brave and the Bold comic. I don’t really understand the whole free comics day movement in general though.

8 singles and 2 GNs

I spent about an hour in the 50cent and $1 section of one store

I didn’t really buy much that was exciting. Picked up a couple of issues of Superman/Supergirl/Superboys that looked interesting. Kinda wishing I’d grabbed more supergirl, but I guess I can always head back their sometime. I’m intrigued by the Stormwatch: Team Achilles single though, I have no idea what the hell it’s about. The Boys vol. 2 should be fun to reread and was in the marked down section, I guess not everyone loves gore?

The five Gotham Central paperbacks

I'm stupidly happy to have gotten the whole series in the paperbacks even if they don't all fucking match exactly

<3 Can’t wait to actually have a chance to read all of Gotham Central from the beginning now! Expect reviews! Also please ignore the lace curtain in the background, it stops our neighbours from being able to see in from their window. 😛

Spoiled with Young “Just us”

Perth is having a heatwave, so I’m spending most of my time hiding under the air conditioner feeling sorry for myself. While doing not a lot.

When I have ventured out, I’ve gotten into the habit of wandering into stores to take advantage of their aircon between errands. This has included some secondhand bookstores, one of which (it turns out) had a very large comic collection. I hit paydirt a week or two ago while idly browsing and immediately spent way too much money getting a stack of Young Justice comics. A couple of Robin and Impulse comics as well. But mostly Young Justice.

First lot of YJ. Sorry about the terrible picture quality.

This is one of my favourite comic series as, alongside some 90s Batman GN’s and the Impulse series, it was what got me addicted to comics. So ever since I found these, I’ve been swapping between getting incredibly sentimental and incredibly excited (think high voice, squeeing, flapping-arms-wildly style, which is not pretty on a 12-year-old girl, let alone me). It is also a series that, despite currently having a TV show based on a mixture of it and early Teen Titans,  as well as a current comics spin-off of the tv show, hasn’t been reprinted in any format (for the most part). This is a never ending source of frustration for me but that’s probably a rant for another day.

So of course, I was back at the shop a week later and this time I’m fairly sure I went through the entire comic collection they had and managed to pull up another pile of them that had been mis-sorted.

Young Justice, now with slightly better photography

Young Justice, now with slightly better photography

Of course, if you look closely you can see the comics I’ve gotten aren’t the complete set, nor are they all consecutive issues. Now I am waiting for several ebay orders, including a giant stack of the last 20 or so. After this round arrives I still won’t have entirely the complete set but shipping to Australia is really bloody painful and I’m already pretty close to eating lentils and rice for the rest of the week already.  So it will have to wait another few fortnights.

Young Justice, with Spoiler alongside shitty photography.

YJ for the most part focused thematically on friendships and growing-up issues rather than saving the world as such. While doing this it managed to have a real fun, quirky humour and avoided excessive angst and melodrama, despite being about teenagers, mostly by not taking itself too seriously. It also managed to play with rather cliche plot lines in a relatively fresh way. #30 Secret vs. Spoiler for example, has a love triangle gender reversal, with Secret and Spoiler feeling they have to duke things out to win over the Robin of their dreams. And I do mean fight it out.

Young Justice #30 is helped by the fact that I love Stephanie Brown. She has my favourite costume as Spoiler and alongside Tim Drake is one of my favourite characters. I may have bought a few random comics containing Stephanie as Spoiler and Robin as well.

It’s not a particularly deep series, and it is flawed (which I may go into sometime) but it is an incredibly entertaining and addictive comic. It avoids tripping up into the angst and grittiness that so many comics rely on to give them an edge, which is refreshing  compared to Post-RIP Batman comics I have been reading. In any case,  good effort for a series that is so obviously aimed at younger teens and a style of fun that I think DC really seems to be missing at the moment.