Podcast Episode Seven

Our most recent podcast went up yesterday on iTunes. I was in a rush to get to work,  so I didn’t have time to write a proper post.

Chris and I discuss the most recent news, DCnU titles and compare The Unknown Soldier: Haunted House with Kinetic.

In an attempt at more detailed shownotes,  all links below are for further information that informed our opinions.

News: Gotham Imposters closed beta invites, DCUO going f2p and the new website for the old comic trekker.

DCnU news: We cover our thoughts on Bunker, the new Teen Titan; the already changing DCnU author roster on Static Shock and Green Arrow; we look at Laura Hudson’s excellent article as well as Shortpacked‘s excellent summary of Red Hood and the Outlaws #1; Nightwing #1 is also discussed, where Chris embarrasses Zoe about her want for more gratuitous Grayson arse.  Also Wonder Woman #1,  Supergirl #1 and which of the New 52 we consider to be the best so far.

Reading: Zoe has read a lot of Ursula Le Guin, wanks on about her new computer and about finishing the rest of Secret Six. Chris talks about The Pro, House of Mystery and other books from the New 52.

Finally, in our comparison of the week, we compare Vertigo’s Vol. 1 of The Unknown Soldier and the DC Focus title, Kinetic.

We love feedback. To give us your opinions, feel free to leave us a comment, either on this blog or our facebook page. You can twitter @thewolverina and if you enjoyed the podcast, leave a comment on our itunes page! You can also receive notifications for all our podcast updates via these sources.

Thank you and enjoy!