Episode 14: The Womanthology Review

Apologies for the lack of posting, people! Chris and I have moved house, leading to somewhat sporadic internet access.

A short episode of How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics for peeps this time around.  News was scarce,  but we did notice that the Jim Lee designs for Earth 2 DCnU were released and that Image Con occured. Zoe mentions she wants to visit America to go to GirlGeekCon and the slightly off-topic geeky tourist attractions app is discussed. We also suggest that other Western Australians might want to think about nominating us for the Tin Duck awards.

Chris  has read more than Zoe this episode, discussing the Marvel series Wolverine and the X-Men, as well as Atomic Robo and Simone’s Gen 13. Zoe only really has Scott Snyder and Kyle Higgins’ acclaimed trade Gates of Gotham to discuss, and uses it as a jumping-off point to rant about colonialism in Batman Inc. We also discuss the Perth Writers’ Festival events we attended, including a talk by Germaine Greer and a Women of Letters event.

The cover of Womanthology book

The cover is appropriate. The book is basically a huge collection of ideas, styles and stories

Finally, we were given the chance by Renae De Liz to review an advanced copy of Womanthology, a Kickstarter project that went way beyond everyone’s expectations. We discuss the project as a whole, mentioning some of the stories we particularly enjoyed and how best to use a book such as this.

We would like to congratulate De Liz and the rest of the Womanthology team on such an amazing collection, with its vast array of interpretations of the medium, and showcasing some amazing (both professional and amateur) talent.  If you would like to see more of their talent, you can visit the Womanthology blog, Twitter, or Kickstarter page and it is available for pre-order on Amazon and Book Depository.

Finally, we would like to hear your feedback! Please leave us a comment, either on this blog post or our Facebook page. You can tweet to @thewolverina or email thewolverina@gmail.com.  If you enjoyed listening, you can even leave a comment on our iTunes page. You can also receive notifications for all our podcast updates via RSS on the How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics homepage. And don’t forget, please do consider nominating us for the Tin Duck awards. 🙂