Geek Girl Con 2012

GeekGirlCon’12 was pretty awesome. I’ve never really been to a convention on that scale before (other than the Supernova expo, which is not the same).

Basically, I have never met a more friendly group of people, and I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. The entire convention seemed to be wrapped up in this bubble of chill, intelligent and fun activities, speeches and discussions. The market was full of cool shit and I met some of my favourite authors! I cannot get over how generous everyone was with their time in offering to make sure this random Aussie girl who rocked up enjoyed herself.

Me and another "Nightwing"

Requisite dorky cosplay shot. The dork is me, the cosplayer the red Nightwing.

Some of the more exciting adventures bullet point style:

  • Karaoke singing with Kyrax2, her family and a few other friends (Jason, Day and the two sisters whose names I have completely forgotten because I am way too tired).
  • Getting compliments for my costume, when I wasn’t intending on wearing one. I wore my Nightwing shirt and blue armsocks and forgot my hair was blue until I got to the convention centre.
  • Going to the epic panel on the treatment of disabilities in comics, which had Jill Pantozzi, Teal Sherer as well as Greg Rucka and Jen Van Meter. I knew most of the panelists were awesome, but I was especially impressed with Jen and her points, probably because I hadn’t seen or heard any interviews with her. Which is a shame!
  • Meeting Van Meter, Rucka, and Simone on the Saturday and getting an embarrassing number of books signed (which are now mailed back to Perth). By the way, Gail Simone’s husband is a total legend!
  • Meeting Byran Q. Miller and getting my Batgirl: The Flood trade signed (and getting the 3rd trade in the series).
  • The Negotiating Ninja panel. Very good look at how to approach work as a freelancer.
  • The coding and “maker” panels. I am not much of a tech or hacker nerd, but it was cool to be able to go learn and enjoy myself without feeling judged for being a n00b.
  • Rucka’s amazing panel/talk on writing with a Y-chromosome.
  • Discovering there was no Womanthology wikipedia article in the middle of the Womanthology panel. This is utterly bizarre and kind of terrifying, given the amount of information normally detailed about comic projects.
  • Getting autographs from about six of the Womanthology ladies – including Renee De Liz – in my Womanthology sketchbook (because my copy of the actual book hasn’t arrived yet).
  • Drinking with Jason (of ComicsBulletin) and visiting the Fantagraphics indie comic store, which was absolutely mind blowing with all the interesting stuff they had.
  • Seeing that people had put How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics stickers on books, laptops and bags around the convention. So happy with how they turned out (I had some made for the swag bags).

The leftover How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics stickers.

Definitely worth it. I don’t know how but I’m going to 2013.

Podcast Ten: The Wonder Woman

Join Zoe and Chris  as they celebrate their 10th episode by discussing the problem of Wonder Woman and her confused role in popular culture. We also discuss the latest comics-related news, and what we’ve been reading.

The news includes the mention of Anne McCaffrey passing away (via The Mary Sue), a Wonder Woman kickstarter project, an excellent gender-swapped digital mockup of a Nolan-verse Batwoman (again via The Mary Sue). We also comment on rumours of further DCnU changes with Gail Simone leaving Fury of Firestorms.

Chris continues to not read any further literature other than for his assignments and the new 52, where Firestorm,  Green Lantern – New Guardians, Batman, and Nightwing #3 are discussed, as well as Bunker’s introduction in Teen Titans #3. Zoe discusses her continuing obsession with reading anything written by Warren Ellis (this week Global Frequency and JLA: Classifed Maps of Hell) Novelwise she braved YA fiction with Black Ice, and fell in love with the steampunk fiction Palimpsest.

This Wonder Woman special includes discussion of Wonder Woman’s portrayals in various media, as well as her origins, including:

  • Her position in the DCU and DCnU relative to other characters and positions in other stories
  • Greg Rucka’s run on v2 of the Wonder Woman serial. Includes single issues #195-226, GNs Down to Earth, Bitter Rivals, Eyes of Gorgon, Land of the Dead and Mission’s End.
  • Rucka’s standalone project Wonder Woman: The Hiketeia (2002)
  • Simone’s run on Wonder Woman v2 #14 though to44 and v1 #600, GNs The Circle, Ends of the Earth, Rise of the Olympian, Warkiller, Contagion
  • J. Michael Straczynski’s run. Singles v1 #601 to#614 in 2010.  To be fair we didn’t read much of these and went off reviews because it was so terrible.
  • The DCnU run,  Wonder Woman v4 by Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang
  • Wonder Woman, the original TV show (we watched the pilot).
  • The failed 2011 Wonder Woman pilot, what went wrong?
  • Xena the Warrior Princess, Wonder Woman of the 90s?
  • A brief mention of the fan-created radio play Wonder Woman: Champion of Themyscira available for free on itunes by Pendant Productions which wasn’t helped by Zoe completely forgetting its name.

… And finally, we love feedback and news tips! To give us your opinions, feel free to leave us a comment, either on this blog or our facebook page. You can twit to @thewolverina or email  If you enjoyed the podcast, leave a comment on our itunes page for us to gain greater exposure. You can also receive notifications for all our podcast updates via all these options.

Thanks guys!

Holiday Comic Reading, Part Two

I forgot to put my opinions of these up last week. Sorry about that, I’m sure you were all absolutely dying to read my thoughts! Will write about the books I read when I’m less tired.

Birds of Prey (Vol 1)

It’s interesting and often forgotten (or feels like it anyway) that Dixon started Birds of Prey and it was awesome. I’ve seen a lot of talk about how well Rucka and Ellis write women, yet nothing about Dixon. Sure, he has his faults, particularly in his later stuff, but at the same time there’s a lot of good stuff in his 90s and early 00’s Batwork, especially the ladies of Gotham City. His work on Birds of Prey is excellent, and it seems he understands how to make a book about women actually about the starring women and telling their stories. Unlike certain later writers of BoP who it seemed couldn’t understand how having Superman rock up and tell the Birds off like they were nothing but naughty schoolgirls might be perpetuating misogyny as well as making a pretty terrible story, without some obvious subversion happening. Not that I’m bitter!

Dixon focused more on having BoP be about a dynamic duo rather than a full-on group team-up, but he makes that work and tells an interesting and empowering story that follows well from that concept. What I’m trying to get at here is that I think Dixon’s work gets a little overshadowed sometimes by Simone’s team outfit, which is awesome as well, but the two have entirely different themes, tones and styles, and can’t really be compared fairly.

Having said all that, this particular GN also includes Catwoman and Huntress in the stories (though Oracle is clearly trying to only work with Black Canary). It’s a very good novel and I’m  glad I’ve managed to find and buy Dixon’s BoP in trade, even though my copy is falling apart. It’s a shame that these, and the earlier Nightwing GNs, seem to be out of print.

Batwoman: Elegy

I’m not going to shock anyone by loving this, though perhaps I might shock people by admitting it took me this long to get around to reading it. I found the artwork amazing (no surprises there).The genuine shock though came by how strong and clever the storyline was, don’t get me wrong,  I knew Rucka was writing, and I know about his amazing writing ability, particularly when it comes to women. However, in all the comments about how breathtaking this GN and story were, noone had really mentioned how this was Rucka writing at his best. The way the story and the artwork in this piece combine seamlessly to reflect some amazing teamwork and talent cannot be emphasised enough.

I’d say this would have to be close to the best work of Rucka’s that I’ve read.  The major problem is that now, having read this book, the  lack of his touch in the DCnU Batwoman series, which I should add is as beautiful as the work on Elegy, is really bloody obvious.  DC really did fuck up badly letting this series be delayed to the point where they lost one of their best writers.

House of Mystery: Room and Boredom (Vol 1)

This is a strange one. I picked it up cheap on a whim ages ago, and finally got chance to read it. It’s intriguing, essentially various sets of short stories, tied into a larger narrative of an interdimensional pub where stories are currency. The mix of artists and changing styles of the artwork add to the story too, giving quite a strange feel to the book as a whole.  It’s the first in a series – I can’t say I’m rushing to get the next, but by the same token, I’m not against the idea.

Not really sure how I feel about it, but it’s a cute concept, with cute ideas. Perhaps a little too creepy for me? I’m surprised though, as it’s certainly one of the more interesting books I’ve seen come out of Vertigo in awhile, yet it doesn’t seem to be getting nearly as much attention as interesting Vertigo books normally do.

Irredeemable (Vol 1)

I don’t remember buying this! I’ve been assured that I did though, and seen my debit card details on the receipt, so obviously at some point I decided it was what I wanted.

It’s a nice solid look at what happens when Superman goes bad. Its not particularly genre-defying, it isn’t nearly as sickening as some of the more graphic versions of this kind of story (hi, The Boys, I’m looking at you) and it certainly isn’t particularly naive or stupid. But it feels like it isn’t particularly anything. Something about it doesn’t sit quite right, but there’s nothing about it sitting wrong if you know what I mean.

I really liked Waid’s work on Impulse and The Flash, but (probably due to the subject matter) the sense of fun he manages to mix into his comics is completely missing. This doesn’t make it a bad comic per se, but it means it lacks a certain something that would make it stand out more – which is probably an unfair thing to judge a comic by, given the level of quality (or at the very least interestingness) of the other books I read on this holiday.

I’m tempted to rate this as average, but if this was the usual benchmark for an ‘average’ superhero GN, the comics industry would be in a lot less trouble than it currently is. I’ll definitely get around to reading further on with this series, I’m just not left with a sense of urgency.

Gen 13: The Best of a Bad Lot (v. 4 vol 1)

This was a lot of fun. Teenagers being snarky at varying levels of capability and drama while figuring themselves out AND fighting for their lives. Evil being evil but in such a human way (that Simone manages at her best) that you find yourself feeling genuinely sorry, or at least confused about how you should be feeling.  I haven’t read much of Simone’s stuff outside of the DCU, so I was pleased to see that her writing is, if anything, stronger when handed a more flexible playground to work in.

This book was awesome, and clearly the building block for a fantastic series (it’s the first GN). I’ve been very annoyed not being able to find the rest of it.

I thought I’d leave you all with a picture of Lulu, the puppy that decided that what was mine was hers, and therefore served as a bookrest for most of my stay with my sister.  I’m regretting not taking a photo with a stack of GNs on top of her – she was that good natured if it meant a cuddle and as much of the spare mattress as possible.

My sister's incredibly affectionate dog.

Holiday Comic Reading, Part One

I read a lot while I was visiting my sister. We spent a lot of time drinking tea and sitting on the back verandah doing not-a-lot else and, well, I couldn’t help myself.  Most of what I read was pretty old, but then I’m usually several steps behind the main trends anyway. I’ve split this into three posts to try and keep them short.


Ellis is still my favourite author. I love Transmetropolitan. I love The Authority. I love his various grumpy-old-drunken-men series. More on that later, but suffice to say, I find his style of cynical humor with some crudity thrown in wonderful. But yes, The Authority is the entire reason I bought and read the first four GN’s of his run and probably the reason I will keep them. Don’t get me wrong, Ellis’ Stormwatch run is excellent comics and good writing… I didn’t think anything could make me love Jenny Sparks any more, but this series  has managed it. Saying all that though, it feels like something’s missing. The stories never really feel like they’re building up to anything, and it feels kinda scattered. The books feel irritate,d I guess, like the author is annoyed and couldn’t stand many of the characters… and I guess he did kill most of them off and start again, so I can’t be that far off.

Still, it gave some context to The Authority, I definitely laughed and enjoyed it enough for my money’s worth.

Wildstorm's seriously wicked old skool wonder StormWatch.

Fell (Vol. 1): Feral City

The cover looks amazing IRL, shit online.

Ellis doing what he does best: a story about a grumpy man being angry at people and saving the world. The art is appropriately horrific, yet works to convey surprisingly beautiful imagery of one hell of a fucked-up city. Definitely worth it for the snark and artwork alone, but on top of that I’m such a sucker for stories that use cityscapes themselves as a character in the story. The combination of all this makes this amazing.

Can’t wait to find more from this series, I NEED to keep reading this. Totally hooked.


The All New Atom Vol 2: Future/Past

I don’t really know how I feel about this series. Something doesn’t quite work for me. Maybe because the US college system freaks me out? Maybe because I’ve never given a shit about Ray Palmer or Ryan Choi before? Maybe because the Atoms’ power has just always seemed really freaking stupid? Not Simone’s best, in my opinion, it feels more like something where she is playing with concepts and styles. I did like the little dialogue boxes with various quotes of varying degrees of seriousness throughout the piece, but I suspect they broke the reading flow a little too much and, for me at least, took a lot away from the larger story.

Interesting, but didn’t really work for me. Probably won’t worry about getting much more.

Nightwing: Year One

The Disco-wing edition

I love Nightwing. I really like Dixon’s Nightwing most of the time. I even like the way his relationship with Bruce is now often portrayed as strained. I get why the story of their breakup needed retelling, even. Just… this smelt an awful lot like a bunch of WAHWAHWAHWAH MY PARENTS ARE DEAD AND MY FOSTER DADDY DOESN’T LOVE ME ANYMORE, and not a lot else.  I don’t know. I’m probably just at the point in life where hot 20-something boys doing their whole coming-of-age and finding themselves isn’t interesting anymore. Call me when he’s secure in himself and having actual fun adventures or personal growth or something entertaining.

So basically, I enjoyed Nightwing #2 from the recent reset a HELL of a lot more. Check that out instead, or the earlier Dixon trades, if you have Nightwing urges.

My Secret Collection

I really like Secret Six. Simone has an amazing writing skill that makes lame characters who I normally wouldn’t care about interesting. It’s also the comic my partner got me to read for our first podcast, which is great fun to make and easily the most successful of my adventures.

For the most part, I’ve been reading as I’ve collected the trade paperbacks; the only exceptions have been the last six issues and the second mini, Six Degrees of Devastation, both of which I had to borrow off a friend. I don’t buy singles* and the final collection hasn’t been released yet, and Six Degrees is out of print and either impossible to find or stupidly expensive.

It’s putting it mildly to say that I was pretty fucking excited to find the final trade I was after sitting in the nearly-behind-the-counter GN section of the CBD’s Elizabeth’s Bookstore. On a side note, some day I will get a picture of this store to show how fucking awkward it is going through the comics sections they have. I’ll also have to get a photo of the top floor of the Fremantle store, you can spend hours going through the $1 and $2 books there, unless a smelly dirty hippie turns up.**

I love Catman's bum-fluff on this cover.

The best bit is that it only cost $18. This may seem like a lot for a second hand comic when I regularly buy trades for less on book depository (the normal price of a GN in Australia seems to be around $25-$35).  However,  looking at ebay (Australia), I was bloody impressed with the deal I got.  The main ebay site isn’t really that much better.  On re-reading the book, my opinion can be summarised with this picture review. So not even my ‘craft day’ friends’ inability to understand the joy and sexiness that is Catman could destroy my enthusiasm for this find.

I’m happy that my collection is nearly complete. It’ll be a first I think, I don’t even have the complete Transmet collection, which is probably the first GN series I feel in love with.

Secret Six except for how there's actually eight (and soon to be nine) collection.

On a final note, for those of you interested in my personal life, I got my first free haircut thanks to my partner’s clippers today. I really hate going to the hairdresser, so getting a decent haircut this way is amazing.

* I have some exceptions: Huntress, Impulse, Robin, Superboy (Kon El) and Young Justice. Basically, stuff I can’t get in trades and really  liked.

** Actually happened to me a few times.

Podcast about Batgirls.

A wild podcast has appeared! This time only slightly out of date (took us two days to get this up).

We discuss some of the new DC titles as well as  looking at the various Batgirls and their roles in DCU and DCnU.

We love feedback. To give us your opinions feel free to leave us a comment, either on this blog or our facebook page. You can twitter to @thewolverina and if you enjoyed the podcast, feel free to leave a comment on our itunes page! You can receive notifications for all our podcast updates via these sources.

Thank you and enjoy!

Reading Comics in Public Day

First off, apologies for the lack of blog and podcast updates. I haven’t been well and my partner has been hell busy. I have the latest podcast episode on my hard drive (and have done for about three weeks now) but editing it is a royal pain, so I haven’t gotten far. We recorded it in a different place and way to usual, so a lot of background noise and interruptions occurred. I’ll get it up eventually.

A few days ago it was International Read Comics in Public Day. In celebration of this,  the amazing lady behind dcwomenkickingass created the Women Read Comic in Public too! tumblr account to share photos of us ladies reading in public (and getting an awesome logo from Sarah Winifred).

Women Read Comics In Public 2011

My friends and I decided to join in the fun by meeting up in a park near the centre of our city and have a reading comics in public picnic event. A friend that couldn’t make it in person (due to flying to Europe) came along via a picture taken earlier of her reading comics. Another friend unable to make the picnic found time to take a quick picture of herself reading a comic outside the front of her house.

We had quite a fun time, and there was a pretty large variety of stuff there comics-wise. Interestingly, I was the only one who brought along any work by either of the big two (DC). Plenty of manga, indie stuff and Vertigo though. We will definitely be doing it again next year. The biggest hit of the afternoon definitely seemed to be The Walking Dead, though my copy of Secret Six also made a huge impression. People brought their own GN’s to read, or ones they had borrowed from the library or other friends, which was a pretty big relief to me, as I was a little worried about saying I’d providing my own for everyone.

Comics I took to my reading comics in public event

Freak Angels, JLA: World Without Grownups, Gotham Central: Half a Life, Catwoman: Wild Ride, Secret Six: Unhinged, Terra, Birds of Prey: The Battle Within

On the way to the park I found a discount book store with a little comics corner .  I may have visited them, right before heading home with double the number of comics I left with.

The Aftershot: Terrible evening photography.

Not a bad score of things I’ve been meaning to get. Amusingly  the pile of The Boys trades was sitting right next to a whole pile of Tiny Titans, which made an amusing contrast. Particularly happy with finding a Rucka book and a JLU trade.

But back to the event. You can see all of the pictures I took of our little event on my flickr page. I submitted a few to the tumblr account too. As I’m really happy with how some turned out, I’m even putting some of my favourites behind the cut.

Continue reading

Post podcast

Woah. So apparently if Gail Simone retweets your podcast your site suddenly starts getting a hell of a lot more hits. So er, hi, new visitors! Feel free to make yourselves at home in the comments section.

It figures that now this site is actually being read by more than just my friends, I don’t really have any material for a useful and significant post to showcase my brilliance and wit. This is because podcasting took up a fair chunk of time and energy and I promised to save talking about Gotham Central for the next one. If all goes well, that is, if Boyfriend ever decides on the other comic we will be reviewing, will be in about a fortnight

So instead, let me relate news that interests me today.

Ars Technica had an article that caught my eye today about a new game, Gotham City Impostors.

Gotham City Impostors logo

Warning: does not appear to be containing all that much Batman

My thoughts on this aren’t particularly meaningful or complicated. I like FPS’s. I like Batman and  I like Gotham City. It’ll have my money and I’ll probably have a fair amount of fun with it, before returning back into another Quake-playing phase. However good it is… it probably won’t manage to replace the game that got me through high school. So that’ll be the cycle.

For the interested, the game website.

The other Bat-game ‘news’ item I came across, is an article with the nerdiest, campiest trailer video I have ever seen. It discusses the development of a game I am actually counting down the days to: Arkham City.

I’m still holding out hope that Nightwing will make an appearance, but for those of us that like nice arse in a game and want it combined with the Arkham Asylum experience, it’s not looking good. I guess I’ll have to stick with DCUO and old comics.

First Podcast: With Red Robin and Secret Six

My partner and I have created a podcast.

We’re still waiting on iTunes moderator approval before it’ll appear in iTunes, but as you all can’t wait, the mp3 file is here. We’re aiming to get these out about once a fortnight, depending on my partner’s university schedule (be warned, we’re both English majors).

It is the first attempt at podcasting by both myself and my partner, so be warned there are a couple of errors*  and we’re both still getting into the habit of how to talk about comics with a microphone in front of us.

Aside from discussing recent geek news and what we’ve been reading in our spare time, we reviewed two graphic novels, Christopher Yost’s Red Robin – The Grail and Gail Simone’s Secret Six – Unhinged.

In any case, let us know what you think! We’d love some feedback to know how to improve this.

*The most obvious of these is that we only got the podcast online after PSN has come back up, and in the podcast we spend a good few moments on the podcast bitching about how it is still down. 😛

Not the post you were looking for

I’ve been reading a fair bit recently. Unfortunately I was mostly on a… critical theory, I guess you’d call it binge. This means lots of philosophy and english literature podcasts, lots of time on wikipedia and reading very 101-type books like Sophie’s World and many many feminist and queer articles. Of course I still barely feel I understand this subject so I’m not comfortable writing about them. I am pleased with how much I’m learning and how the theory is helping my understanding of the media I consume.

So it’s possible I’m missing being an English student a little. 😛

Still. In even more nerdy news I spent many many hours sorting and boarding and bagging my comics, and that along with my complete run of Impulse arriving means I’ll have something to read and review soon. is giving free shipping to Australian customers. This was also good news and gave me a chance to stock up on some older GNs that aren’t necessarily available on book depository. For those of you not playing from australia, some context. Books and comics are incredibly expensive in Australia. To the point where it is much cheaper for me to buy a book or GN from Amazon (even with shipping)  than it is for me to a book or GN second hand. So I buy online a lot so I can take photos like these:

Nightwing, Gotham Central and Birds of Prey

I spent a little more than 25 pounds

I’m fairly sure that’s the last of Simone’s first run on Birds of Prey that I need to own the complete run, which I’m pretty happy with. I’m less happy that I can’t seem to find the original vol. 1 of Gotham Central, only editions that include Half A Life. Still I now own 4 of the 5 volumes in the version I want so that’s nice.
I do know the Nightwing I bought is terrible, but still it’s Nightwing (and the Dixon run of GNs seem to be out of print).