A quick post at Christmas

It should be noted that the following post not a shill, just an expression of awe.

Disclaimer out of the way, people should check out this beautiful handmade book at Papaveria Press.

This story was written by a friend-of-a-friend I had the good fortune to meet when she visited Australia last year. She mentioned on her blog that she was asked about having her story published as a handmade book.

The book itself is so beautiful. I am in awe of the bookmaker’s skill, jealous of my friend for having her story being chosen to be published in handmade form and upset that I am too poor to buy it.

My friend having her story published has been my introduction into the idea of handmade limited-run publishing. I’m fascinated and wondering how widespread this form of publishing (or is it more of a craft?) is and if there is a comics equivalent.

Hopefully when I have more money I’ll be able to do more than ogle this art form. Unfortunately that will probably be a long time after this book has been sold.

(Detailed posts about my Christmas holiday and the comics I read will come later when I have reliable internet again.)