Eaten by Steam sale

I only recently got my own Steam account. I’m thewolverina, if you are interested in friending me.

I have been waiting ever since I got the bloody account for the Super ID pack to go on special. I meant to post when I bought it a few days ago and it was still cheap, but ID games and Half-Life 2 (I forgot I now have my own copy) have taken over my brain. Also headcrabs. Arg, headcrabs.

Screencap of the Steam program on my desktop

I like to think Catwoman approves of my game selection

My mother was very anti-gaming, so all these games have nostalgia as well as the lingering thrill of doing something illicit still attached. Ah, the memories! Half of learning how to use computers for me was finding new ways to install Quake II on my mothers desktop without her noticing.

My Secret Collection

I really like Secret Six. Simone has an amazing writing skill that makes lame characters who I normally wouldn’t care about interesting. It’s also the comic my partner got me to read for our first podcast, which is great fun to make and easily the most successful of my adventures.

For the most part, I’ve been reading as I’ve collected the trade paperbacks; the only exceptions have been the last six issues and the second mini, Six Degrees of Devastation, both of which I had to borrow off a friend. I don’t buy singles* and the final collection hasn’t been released yet, and Six Degrees is out of print and either impossible to find or stupidly expensive.

It’s putting it mildly to say that I was pretty fucking excited to find the final trade I was after sitting in the nearly-behind-the-counter GN section of the CBD’s Elizabeth’s Bookstore. On a side note, some day I will get a picture of this store to show how fucking awkward it is going through the comics sections they have. I’ll also have to get a photo of the top floor of the Fremantle store, you can spend hours going through the $1 and $2 books there, unless a smelly dirty hippie turns up.**

I love Catman's bum-fluff on this cover.

The best bit is that it only cost $18. This may seem like a lot for a second hand comic when I regularly buy trades for less on book depository (the normal price of a GN in Australia seems to be around $25-$35).  However,  looking at ebay (Australia), I was bloody impressed with the deal I got.  The main ebay site isn’t really that much better.  On re-reading the book, my opinion can be summarised with this picture review. So not even my ‘craft day’ friends’ inability to understand the joy and sexiness that is Catman could destroy my enthusiasm for this find.

I’m happy that my collection is nearly complete. It’ll be a first I think, I don’t even have the complete Transmet collection, which is probably the first GN series I feel in love with.

Secret Six except for how there's actually eight (and soon to be nine) collection.

On a final note, for those of you interested in my personal life, I got my first free haircut thanks to my partner’s clippers today. I really hate going to the hairdresser, so getting a decent haircut this way is amazing.

* I have some exceptions: Huntress, Impulse, Robin, Superboy (Kon El) and Young Justice. Basically, stuff I can’t get in trades and really  liked.

** Actually happened to me a few times.

NSFW: My interest in the royal wedding.

Warning: This post is about royal prophylactics and includes photos of said prophylactics.

This post is also mostly for the benefit of the lovely Alex. Upon hearing that my only interest in the recent royal wedding was the amazing range of souvenir products available in the UK, she decided to help her Australian friend out by sending me a package of one of the more amusing items: the Royal Condoms.

After the cut is not really safe for work, unless you’re the poor bugger that had to process the customs declaration form.

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Where I declare undying love for Greg Rucka

… Or a more accurate title would probably be: “Episode Two of How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics is out!”

In this episode, we discuss the feedback we received and thank those that recc’ed us to others. News is discussed in the news section, while we still bitch about Flashpoint. I talk about why I haven’t had a chance to read any comics while Chris decides to act like he has taste by talking about Batwoman: Elegy. As for our two main reviews, we discuss the older Gotham Central series and then the Batman: Child of Dreams manga style comic we borrowed from Chris’s friend and fellow warhammer nerd (who incidentally, has amazing painting skills). I hope you all enjoy!

We welcome comments, questions and general feedback! We welcome suggestions on what to review as well!

We are now on the Itunes Store!
I forgot to post about this earlier but How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics is also available through the itunes store and can be subscribed to over here! So free to leave feedback on the itunes store!

Unfortunately I managed to crash and virus up my laptop the other week. So while I have it back up and running, everything has been re-installed, I’ve lost a fair number of unfinished blog posts. So apologies if you were desperately hoping to hear my opinions on the books I’ve been reading lately, it’ll be probably a little while longer before I start pumping out posts again.

A quick post at Christmas

It should be noted that the following post not a shill, just an expression of awe.

Disclaimer out of the way, people should check out this beautiful handmade book at Papaveria Press.

This story was written by a friend-of-a-friend I had the good fortune to meet when she visited Australia last year. She mentioned on her blog that she was asked about having her story published as a handmade book.

The book itself is so beautiful. I am in awe of the bookmaker’s skill, jealous of my friend for having her story being chosen to be published in handmade form and upset that I am too poor to buy it.

My friend having her story published has been my introduction into the idea of handmade limited-run publishing. I’m fascinated and wondering how widespread this form of publishing (or is it more of a craft?) is and if there is a comics equivalent.

Hopefully when I have more money I’ll be able to do more than ogle this art form. Unfortunately that will probably be a long time after this book has been sold.

(Detailed posts about my Christmas holiday and the comics I read will come later when I have reliable internet again.)