Ain’t dead.

You might have noticed has been a little quiet the past few months. Traveling and blogging was a little too much after becoming quite ill while in New York. I decided I wanted the rest of my holiday to be just a holiday.

So what has been taking up my time since returning to Perth between Weddings and Various Family Engagements.

To start with, Lego Batman 2: DC Superheros.

Lego Batman 2

I think I prefer the first Lego Batman, but I would like to review this properly when I have finished it. 100% is still a hard goal to reach when you have absolutely no skill at console gaming!


My cat took a liking to my copy.

Polished off Chicks Dig Comics over the Christmas holidays. It’s fun reading, basically a series of light essays by ladies discussing an aspect of comics and the geek culture that they love. From crushes on Aquaman to adventures in growing up in Snowtown from Ellis’s Fell to Sandman fangirling to Simone’s inspiring first essay, the book keeps you amused. It’s great to see the variety of personal stories every woman uses to describe her experiences.

The book does mention the discrimination in the industry regularly, it doesn’t dominate the discussion throughout the book (which is pretty refreshing, to put it mildly). The interviews add a lot to the discussion, and I particularly loved the perspectives of Rucka and Conner.

I’m curious to see more in this series, but Timelords and Whedon fangirling aren’t really my thing. Maybe they’ll have a Batman or a computer games book soon. Or Stargate. Hmm.

My only other holiday news is that I have taken to collecting HeroClix, or at least, the DCU ladies created. My partner is laughing as I now have over 30 of them.


Yes, I am a Stephanie Brown fangirl. I prefer her as Spoiler over Batgirl, but she is amazing as both.

Assuming I don’t melt from the heat in the next few days, I’m hoping to get this blog running a lot more regularly in 2013. We are in a severe heatwave here though.