I’m currently on holiday visiting my little sister who lives in Queensland. She has also requested no comics and no laptop, so expect my twitter and this blog to be emptier than usual. Have a picture of my cat being cute about it to make it up to you guys.

Dizzy on a suitcase

Diesel does not approve of things on her pillow.

I’ll post about her dogs and the way the sub-tropics have made my hair go flat when I get back. Also when I finally get a chance my opinions on Arkham City because wow, what a game.

Post podcast

Woah. So apparently if Gail Simone retweets your podcast your site suddenly starts getting a hell of a lot more hits. So er, hi, new visitors! Feel free to make yourselves at home in the comments section.

It figures that now this site is actually being read by more than just my friends, I don’t really have any material for a useful and significant post to showcase my brilliance and wit. This is because podcasting took up a fair chunk of time and energy and I promised to save talking about Gotham Central for the next one. If all goes well, that is, if Boyfriend ever decides on the other comic we will be reviewing, will be in about a fortnight

So instead, let me relate news that interests me today.

Ars Technica had an article that caught my eye today about a new game, Gotham City Impostors.

Gotham City Impostors logo

Warning: does not appear to be containing all that much Batman

My thoughts on this aren’t particularly meaningful or complicated. I like FPS’s. I like Batman and  I like Gotham City. It’ll have my money and I’ll probably have a fair amount of fun with it, before returning back into another Quake-playing phase. However good it is… it probably won’t manage to replace the game that got me through high school. So that’ll be the cycle.

For the interested, the game website.

The other Bat-game ‘news’ item I came across, is an article with the nerdiest, campiest trailer video I have ever seen. It discusses the development of a game I am actually counting down the days to: Arkham City.

I’m still holding out hope that Nightwing will make an appearance, but for those of us that like nice arse in a game and want it combined with the Arkham Asylum experience, it’s not looking good. I guess I’ll have to stick with DCUO and old comics.


I think I’m a couple of days late but the latest Batman: Arkham City video trailer made me shout out with glee when I saw it, scaring the shit out of my neurotic cat in the process. Topless Robot is right on the money when he says:

I think it’s safe to say that Batman: Arkham City won’t just be the greatest Batman videogame of all time, or the best comic videogame of all time, or even the best videogame of all time. I think we can go ahead and call it THE GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT MANKIND HAS EVER OR WILL EVER PRODUCE. Although even that seems to be short-selling it a bit.


In the past six months  my gaming time has been split between three games on the PS2/PS3. Those games are LEGO Batman, Batman: Arham Asylum and DC Universe Online. So, you can probably see the pattern and tell why I’m so excited. This has been partly mostly because I’m a massive Batman nerd, but also partly because I decided to learn how to console game (after over a decade of only really PC gaming) and partly because my access to the desktop machine in the house was reduced when my partner discovered playing LoL, leaving me with only my laptop. And well, playing FPS’s on a laptop? Is arse.

According to the Arkham City website Australia’s release date is the 19th of October. So people won’t see much of me for a few days after that.

[via Topless Robot]