Late Music Thoughts

Okay so woah is this one late. I have a good reason though! It completely isn’t the Guild Wars 2 phase that is sweeping through my house or the insane amount of noise caused by local infrastructure “improvements” occurring in my area, though those haven’t helped.

I’d discovered and been listening to a lot on 8tracks, and decided it’d be fun to make my own for last week’s posts. Sadly I have no idea how these things work and FINALLY SEVERAL DAYS LATER I finished up a playlist. And then I discover I need a WordPress plugin to properly embed it.

And also discovered I can’t set it to show you the tracks until you’ve listened to them.

So anyway. I wanted to do a set list of the women in Australian music I remember hearing growing up, after a conversation with friends where I couldn’t remember any from the 90s (and not much from the early 00s) in alternative music. After a long, drawn out twitter convo and poking and prodding around my early CDs I came up with a playlist. Just remember that I was 12 in 1998 so while I aimed for alternative, it’s very pop in places.

[8tracks width=”400″ height=”400″ playops=”” url=”″]

Yeah. That’s a picture of me in 1991.

The original idea was that in about six months I’d do a second extra playlist after going through and researching. But frankly, unless the design of the site improves, it’s unlikely to happen. Because it is that bad, I’ve copied the track list across to here, though annotations are only on 8tracks.

  1. So Rude, Rebecca’s Empire [video]
  2. Down Again, The Superjesus [video]
  3. Don’t You Know Who I Am? Happyland [article]
  4. Dirty Jeans, Magic Dirt [video]
  5. Live Without It, Killing Heidi [live]
  6. Next Time, Marie Wilson
  7. Naughty, Skulker [video]
  8. Goosh, Spiderbait [live]
  9. Have a Look, Vanessa Amorosi [video]
  10. Did It Again, Kylie Minogue [video]
  11. I Go Off, Diana Ah Naid [video]

And for those of you that would just like an embedded youtube clip, have a woman being awesome with a guitar in with sheds, utes, highways and 90s sunnies.

Next fortnight, back to normal. This was much too stressful.

Restart, Reblog.

I wasn’t really sure if this blog would continue. I’ve gone with renewing, what better time than a birthday?

I struggled to update last year, a combination of exhaustion and this emotional holdover from 2013, with several incidents causing an increased bitterness and dislike of behaviours within various fannish communities. What is the point of a nerdish blog if it can’t relate or be of interest to anyone within the communities actually able to relate to it? Frustrations and isolation (both chosen and imposed) are not a good combination.

There were other good and non-geeky reasons for the exhaustion too. My workplace got so shitty that I had to leave quite suddenly. My beloved Magna hit the point of no repair – written off four years ago, it was on borrowed time. The house I lived in reached crisis point with regards to decisions on repairs and renovations, and they had to be managed alongside clearing out my partner’s dead father’s workshop (and other areas of the house that hadn’t been dehoarded). Ending the year, the discovery my father was terminally ill with liver cancer. I was fortunate enough to be able to drive to my family home loads and spend time with him, but he passed away in January.

So I’ve been a bit of a wreck.

Comics had been bad awhile (with a particular nod to DCnU), I’d lost interest. I’ve watched so much mindless television it’s not funny, been constantly enraged by the awful movies my family loves. I’ve had one playlist of angry women playing in my car for hours on end and my reading ability is shot to pieces even for the trashiest trash.

But, I still need to practice writing (I give no guarantees as to the return of the podcast or the creation of a new one). I need motivation to read. And I need to remember why I enjoy what I enjoy and how I enjoy it.

Comics turned again, moving away from grim dark. My boyfriend doesn’t need to be ‘got’ into comics anymore, he’s happily there, even if he still mostly just steals mine. My reading ability is (slowly) coming back. My love for music is repetitive but I’m enjoying it again and the sheer amount of time in the last three months spent in a car, plus the efforts of an understanding friend, means I’ve found more. People to discuss these things with again, people to show, people to listen to, are now an appealing thought.

There’s going to be new aims here, at least for awhile. I want to write about what I enjoy, even if it’s just a paragraph on a shitty riotgrrl youtube video. Even if it’s that terrible 90s drama I ate up in about 3 days. Even if it’s a weekly paragraph on why I really enjoy Assassin’s Creed games despite the fact there is so much broken in them and Ezio is a total cunt.

I tend towards the clumsy critical analysis, I think I genuinely enjoy stories and media by tearing them apart to see how they could be better. It’s easy to lose interest in seeing the positives in media this way, you forget what you enjoy. My aim will be to work out what I like and why, while isolating out what I don’t and why. Expect swearing rants and raves of aspects of whatever I enjoy, rather than formal reviews and internet lists on a strict diet of comics and novels.

Welcome back if you are still here? At least for now. I don’t really know what this will be yet, but I hope it’s interesting.


I keep forgetting to write about this and then feeling bad, because everyone should know about it. I really enjoyed my time in Denver, Colorado – not just because my friends had the most adorable little ginger kitten.

Sake the ginger cat, in my makeshift 'handbag'

See what I mean about cute? Also she is a little trouble maker, can you blame me from putting her in this post?

The first day I was there was a Friday, and both my friends had to work, so I spent the day lost and wandering around. I ended up near Santa Fe Road (or Avenue) in the late afternoon, checking out all the galleries.  Nearby (a block or two off the main strip) was Love Gallery, which is incredibly cool.

A shot of a wall, with a series of frames enclosing a montage of stickers

The cool set-up

It’s a tiny gallery, but one that seems to run pretty cool concepts. This month’s exhibition is called Peel’N’Stick, where everyone was invited to submit their own sticker designs. See what I mean by awesome concepts?

There was a fair amount of variety, everything from skulls and overly masculine imagery for skaters, to feminist propaganda, to anime inspired girls, to the designs a 7 year old boy sent in. Stickers from all around the world, including a girl from Australia.

Stickers, centre image red with a veiled woman

I have to admit the stickers addressing sexuality and gender were more interesting than the skateboarding ones (for me at least).

I am utterly charmed by this exhibition. I ended up buying a whole pile of the excess stickers that were for sale and it absolutely made my day.

Stick by an Australian girl in the centre

The sticker I have tried to get in the center of this photo is one by an Australian girl whose name I have forgotten.

The owner’s knowledge of all the stickers and their creators was impressive, he knew a stupid amount of detail about the stickers and the creators, and showed a real interest in every piece. Discovering the culture itself was fascinating: a community based around indie sticker creation, something I wouldn’t have thought existed, but which apparently is a thriving little sub-culture. When I arrived the gallery owner was in the middle of creating a bus-stop style chair for visitors to add the stickers to. I’m a little sad I won’t get to see what it looks like by the end of exhibition.

A just made Bus-Stop bench in the middle of being covered in stickers

When I visited it was very much a work in progress.

If you live in Denver, you should totally check it out and be prepared to grin like a loon. The show is on til the 30th of September, so you don’t have much time left.

Where life gets in the way of blogging and podcasting

So crazy week for DC fans hey? I do have a few thoughts that I’m trying to iron out into a coherent post, but unfortunately my life has gotten in the way of being able to post this week.

Life has also gotten busy for my fellow podcaster and favourite proof-reader. This means that How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics will be delayed for a week (we were meant to record today) until his university term is finished. On top of this, it means I need to find a new friend to help me with editing and I’m not currently happy to post any of my backlog without it.

There is good news though! We’ve decided to do a live Terracon* edition of How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics! We haven’t worked out any of the details yet, but it’ll hopefully involve a slightly different format to usual (and possibly other people!). This will be an extra special bonus podcast on top of what will hopefully be our normal schedule.

*For context. Terracon is a yearly event where current and former members of my uni’s SF club go down south and rent out half an ex-logging, now tourist village for a weekend of mucking about in the freezing cold. This year people who aren’t me are determined to have some sort of radio set-up going and needed content.

Where I declare undying love for Greg Rucka

… Or a more accurate title would probably be: “Episode Two of How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics is out!”

In this episode, we discuss the feedback we received and thank those that recc’ed us to others. News is discussed in the news section, while we still bitch about Flashpoint. I talk about why I haven’t had a chance to read any comics while Chris decides to act like he has taste by talking about Batwoman: Elegy. As for our two main reviews, we discuss the older Gotham Central series and then the Batman: Child of Dreams manga style comic we borrowed from Chris’s friend and fellow warhammer nerd (who incidentally, has amazing painting skills). I hope you all enjoy!

We welcome comments, questions and general feedback! We welcome suggestions on what to review as well!

We are now on the Itunes Store!
I forgot to post about this earlier but How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics is also available through the itunes store and can be subscribed to over here! So free to leave feedback on the itunes store!

Unfortunately I managed to crash and virus up my laptop the other week. So while I have it back up and running, everything has been re-installed, I’ve lost a fair number of unfinished blog posts. So apologies if you were desperately hoping to hear my opinions on the books I’ve been reading lately, it’ll be probably a little while longer before I start pumping out posts again.

First Podcast: With Red Robin and Secret Six

My partner and I have created a podcast.

We’re still waiting on iTunes moderator approval before it’ll appear in iTunes, but as you all can’t wait, the mp3 file is here. We’re aiming to get these out about once a fortnight, depending on my partner’s university schedule (be warned, we’re both English majors).

It is the first attempt at podcasting by both myself and my partner, so be warned there are a couple of errors*  and we’re both still getting into the habit of how to talk about comics with a microphone in front of us.

Aside from discussing recent geek news and what we’ve been reading in our spare time, we reviewed two graphic novels, Christopher Yost’s Red Robin – The Grail and Gail Simone’s Secret Six – Unhinged.

In any case, let us know what you think! We’d love some feedback to know how to improve this.

*The most obvious of these is that we only got the podcast online after PSN has come back up, and in the podcast we spend a good few moments on the podcast bitching about how it is still down. 😛