When Life is busy.

Edit: Whoops! I thought this went up Thursday evening. Sorry for those I would have confused with that.

Not much has been happening here lately. I’ve been incredibly ill due to sinus infections and the flu on top of my boss going overseas, so I’ve been alone in the office at work. I haven’t even been reading, things have been so busy. It all started around  two months ago, when I dyed my hair blue.

Not great shot of me fooling around after my haircut.

That same day, I finally got around to creating a subscription at my local comic store. The next Fridays, I got to pick up the first batch of my orders. I’ve picked up more since, but the first had me very excited.

I was trying to hide how sick I looked in this picture. I don’t think it worked. Also I’ll be completely honest, I have not had the time to read any of them. 🙁

For those interested, the subs I am currently getting are:

  • Batman
  • Batgirl
  • World’s Finest
  • Nightwing
  • JLDark
  • All Star Western

A few Saturdays ago I went to my first ever roller derby bout. Roller derby in Perth still seems to be in that fun setting-up phase. There are various leagues and groups that aren’t quite finished or organised yet from what I can tell, but goddamn am I jealous of the girls that can play. It’ll be even more awesome if and when they get enough funding and community support to really get going.

Sunday was Supanova, the big Australia-wide pop culture expo. I spent most of the day on the Swancon table, but did get a chance to go hunting for books. Managed to pick up Brubaker’s Catwoman: Relentless trade (which I’ve been looking for, for ages) and a paperback copy of Simone’s BoP End Run. I also picked up three very pretty signed prints of Batgirl, Supergirl and Terry McGuiness’ Batman from Peter Nguyen.

The best part of the day was getting my copy of The Deep signed by Tom Taylor. It’s not every day you judge an Award (the Aurealis last year) and get to have the winner sign it.

I’m really enjoying the DC Nation and Comixology apps since I got an iPad3 (or whatever) now named Ragdoll. 99 cents for a digital comic makes buying loads of singles stupidly easy, but I don’t really understand why you would buy (in print) trades on the device. I’m pretty unimpressed with the iPad in general, though – I think it wants to tell me how to do things rather than do things how I tell it.

"But then... I wonder what it's like to fuck a butterfly?"

Engraved appropriately. Except for Apple’s fucking censorship.

I made it to the Revelation Film Festival’s showing of Wonder Woman: A History of the Superheroine in Pop Culture, despite being horribly ill. Fantastic to see a product I helped fund via kickstarter on the big screen. And getting to meet Kelcy Edwards was very cool. I even got a picture with her but that is on my iphone that is in Australia.
I’ve also seen The Dark Knight Rises and Magic Mike, but those deserve their own posts. Somewhere in all this I also created a tumblr, http://catsinnedlands.tumblr.com because I keep meeting so many on my walks around the neighbourhood.

My partner has now finished his dissertation which means, as of a few days ago, I’m now in the US for three months of traveling and adventure (without him). I’m going to try and keep the podcast and reviews on this site going, but I suspect it’ll remain sporadic at best.

Those of you that live in the US and want to meet me or help with any of these, feel free to email. So far all I know of my plans is I’m likely to be visiting Seattle, Vancouver, San Francisco, Portland, Los Angeles and Denver. I don’t really have set dates or anything but I am considering Chicago and New York if anyone wants to convince me to swing that way. I’m also open to guest podcasters or reviews or ideas for this site.

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