Free comic day! A photo blog

For the first time I managed to make it into the city for the free comic day activities. I did have fun, though to be honest the first place I went to smelt terrible, and there were too many young people making loud noises and too many neckbeards telling everyone what they should think about comics for me to really find it enjoyable.  This is probably mostly to do with Wolverina becoming a grumpy old lady about 40 years too early however, rather than the places actually having a  bad atmosphere. I mean. Those young whippersnappers having fun! And those rude young men! On my lawn! *gets out a shotgun and sits back in her rocking chair* HOW DARE THEY.

Still, really it was nice catching up with some people I haven’t seen in awhile, and getting the chance to go through a real live store for a change.  Also I got good loot!

seven free comics I got

The free comics my partner and I got.

I have to admit I’m only really excited about flicking through the Young Justice and Batman: The Brave and the Bold comic. I don’t really understand the whole free comics day movement in general though.

8 singles and 2 GNs

I spent about an hour in the 50cent and $1 section of one store

I didn’t really buy much that was exciting. Picked up a couple of issues of Superman/Supergirl/Superboys that looked interesting. Kinda wishing I’d grabbed more supergirl, but I guess I can always head back their sometime. I’m intrigued by the Stormwatch: Team Achilles single though, I have no idea what the hell it’s about. The Boys vol. 2 should be fun to reread and was in the marked down section, I guess not everyone loves gore?

The five Gotham Central paperbacks

I'm stupidly happy to have gotten the whole series in the paperbacks even if they don't all fucking match exactly

<3 Can’t wait to actually have a chance to read all of Gotham Central from the beginning now! Expect reviews! Also please ignore the lace curtain in the background, it stops our neighbours from being able to see in from their window. 😛

3 thoughts on “Free comic day! A photo blog

  1. So they had the skinny vol 1 of Gotham Central at Empire?

    Looks like a nice haul. I’m curious about this new Avatar comic and I’ve heard great things about Atomic Robo. And Intrepid Escape Goat looks …. intriguing. I’m so annoyed that I missed FCBD. I always seem to forget that it’s on!

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