Women Reading Comics In Public Again

This is mostly a public service announcement for my friends in Perth.

Last year I organised a picnic in the middle of Perth’s CBD for the Women Reading Comics in Public movement. I posted a few of the photos on flickr and on the tumblr account Sue (of the legendary DC Women Kicking Ass blog) created.

Three of the people from last year, with the photo of a girl who couldn’t attend.

The third annual Reading Comics in Public Day was announced a while ago (again it will be August 28th) and a few days ago Sue announced that Women Reading Comics In Public would be happening again and linked to the new tumblr account for the photos.

So while I will be taking part, obviously I won’t be organising any event or gathering. But that does not mean people shouldn’t take part! Either get together in your own group, or take part in Swancon‘s Reading Comics In Public picnic on September 2nd. I’m not sure if men are welcome to this event or not though, so be warned if that isn’t your thing.

If you let me know about any other events running around Perth, Western Australia (or hell, any other events full stop) I’ll add them to this post. Otherwise I expect to see photos of many of you on that tumblr.  I might even get the Boyfriend from the podcast to give people stickers for it if he gets the package in time to pass them along to one of the many women I’m sure will be going.

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