Interview with Marianne de Pierres

To break the radio silence here on I was planning on another issue of How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics. However, as the boyfriend and I are currently under such a heavy load of commitments (including the boyfriend being in the final stages of his Honours dissertation) and technical difficulties with our last attempt at recording, Chris is taking a break from the podcast. Instead of cancelling our irregular (but still always in some stage of occurring) podcast, we plan to mix this up, with Chris taking the back seat to what will hopefully become a series of interviews  and guest “boyfriends”, to get a bit of variety happening. This is planned to last till early July when Chris will again take up his podcasting duties.

So this episode is a recorded live interview of Australian author and comic writer,  Marianne de Pierres. I had the honour of interviewing her for her key Guest of Honour panel at the 2012 Swancon (Doomcon) over Easter this year.  Swancon is a Perth speculative fiction convention, which Chris and I are involved in the running of next year. Visit for more information (site is currently very bare, we will be updating with more information steadily as the year progresses).

We would love to hear your feedback on the change in format! Please leave us a comment, either on this blog post or our facebook page. You can tweet to @thewolverina or email  If you enjoyed listening, you can even leave a comment on our itunes page. You can also receive notifications for all our podcast updates via the How I Got My Boyfriend To Read Comics homepage.

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