Episode 13: Irredeemable and Incorruptible

The latest and luckiest episode of How I Got My Boyfriend to Read Comics is up! Zoe and Chris present their 13th episode, discussing comics news, interesting articles, what they’ve been reading and the interesting dichotomy presented by the Irredeemable and Incorruptible series, created and written by Mark Waid. They thank Thatcher for introducing and lending them the comics for this recording.

In comics news we discuss:


Zoe has been reading a variety of novels including Ursula Le Guin’s The Word for World is Forest, and trades such as the Jonah Hex: Bury Me In Hell, Kyle Higgins’ Supreme Power: Gods and Soldiers, and Simone’s Wonder Woman: Rise of the Olympian.  The huge amount of Leverage both she and Chris have been watching is mentioned. Chris has been still following the DCnU closely, mentioning his opinions on the #5’s including Red Hood and the Outlaws, Catwoman, Aquaman, Flash, Justice League Dark, All Star Western, Deadman, Captain Atom and his favourite Batman.

The main topic of discussion is the merits of Irredeemable and Incorruptible, two complementary series by Mark Waid. The use of analogues enables a detailed and well told story of both when the world’s greatest hero goes bad as well as when the world’s greatest villian goes good and the associated ethics.

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6 thoughts on “Episode 13: Irredeemable and Incorruptible

  1. Finally, someone else (whom I know personally) who watches Leverage! Not that it’s the greatest show on earth or anything, but until now it’s the only show I watch that nobody else I know seems to follow…

    • Leverage is excellent!

      Okay yeah it’s not the greatest show, but it is good solid fun and does well with what it has. Certainly a cut above Supernatural or Smallville…

      • Not gonna argue there, especially where Smallville is concerned. Parker has more personality than the entire SV cast combined. I wait with bated breath to see your reaction to the Smallville comics when they come out – once you get over the whole “why isn’t it just called Superman now, or even Metropolis” phase 🙂

      • Hah. I’m definitely torn about the ‘Season 11’ comics. On the one hand Smallville (sigh) on the other, dude who wrote the Stephanie Brown as Batgirl series. 😀

        Could go either way hey.

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